Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Feeling Unaccomplished

Nearing the end of the year it is apparent that I have not met my reading goal for 2013. I had planned on reading 40 books this year but so far I've only been able to read 25 and there are only seven days left until it's 2014.

 I know that I haven't been slacking off and have a very good reason for why I was unable to read my desired number of books, but still I feel so unaccomplished. Medical school is hard and it takes up almost all of your time and steals away your life. Next year, now knowing that my time isn't as plentiful as I'd like it to be, I will only set a goal for 20 books. Hopefully, I'll be able to manage enough time throughout the 365 days of 2014 to read 20 literary works.


and to all a good night! 

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